IDP - Solutions for your business

Automated data extraction from your documents with the latest AI technologies

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We design our solution to allow an easy and fast extraction of data using ML algorithms.

Companies increasingly handle vast amounts of data. IDP (Intelligent Document processing) streamlines processing, enabling efficient mass-data handling.

Ready for ISV Model with Your Platform & Partner Network

We are ready to cooperate on the ISV model with your platform and partner network.

M-BOT is designed for flexibility and easy integration into your CRM the platform

How M-BOT works

M-Bot can simultaneously work with several invoices, even if the source files are in different formats.

M-BOT can validate extracted data to ensure the highest possible accuracy.

  • Main stages:

  • Document Capture

  • Document Processing

  • Data Extraction (Parsing)

  • Data Validation

  • Information Interaction

  • Data Integration

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